A podcast

about optimism, leadership and digital transformation.

They say “write the book you want to read”. Well, I’m making the podcast of the the book I want to write...so that I can eventually read it.

After 20 years working in and around public services, I’d been mulling on what really makes the difference in public service reform. What is the secret ingredient missing from all those books on digital transformation, and all those consulting models and frameworks?

I think it’s optimism. Sure, you need a good plan, open eyes and some elbow grease, but experts still believe that the biggest predictor of success is whether or not you believe that you can succeed.

Because if you don’t believe you can succeed, you can’t.

Listen on – 


Black and white headshot of Audree Fletcher - a white woman with mid-length dark hair

Audree Fletcher

I help senior leaders and their teams to design strategy, policy, products and services. Often that means supporting them to redesign some of the dark matter of the organisation itself. Some people call this “digital transformation consultancy”, but I think of it instead as strategic design.

In the past I’ve been a senior civil servant. I've been Chief Digital Officer. I've built digital capability, from scratch, in large bureaucracies. I've redesigned organisations around their users and the services they provide them. I’ve directed services used by millions of people. I've transformed approaches to equity and inclusive design of public services and the public sector organisations that deliver them.

And I've helped leaders in other organisations, and in other countries, understand how to do the same - providing them with practical, actionable advice and support to make the changes that matter most.

Read more at my website.